Our programs are focused on creating access to education for disadvantaged children who would not otherwise go to school if no one helps them, and to create future leaders through leadership interventions.
Our education and community programs target orphans, vulnerable children, those with disabilities, and from low-income communities. Our interventions help to create access to education for those who cannot go to school if no one helps them.
Our leadership program helps to prepare young people for future leadership roles. We equip them with the tools and experiences that will help them to build their communities and the world as they advance their career aspirations.

Empowering disadvantaged children
To promote access to education, we target remote rural communities and give scholarships to young children who are out of school.
School Feeding Program
We provide one meal each day for our students who walk long distances to school. Most children in rural communities go to school hungry.
We give 70% of our educational opportunities to girls. The alternative for these girls is that they are at risk of early marriages and have no chance to pursue their education.
Campaign for Girls Education
Our Educate the Girl Child Campaign aims to create awareness and responsibility for the inclusive and sustainable education of girls.
Annual Girls Education Conference - Chicago
In 2018 we partnered with the YWCA Metropolitan Chicago to launch the Annual Girls Education Conference, which took place in 2019 in Chicago. The conference engages world leaders in a conversation about the importance of educating girls.

Creating future leaders
This program focuses on social understanding, impulse control, emotional regulation, empathy, emotional intelligence, recognition of ability, self-identity, and relationships with peers and adults.
Students are matched with mentors. Some of these mentors are students and corporate leaders whose research or professional interests align with those of our students.
Coaching professionals are invited to train students on major skills such as public speaking, proposal writing, critical thinking, and other skills.
Our students are trained on how to start a small business and manage it successfully by developing an effective business plan.
Students participate in the 17th February Volunteers Day through participation in service projects in their local communities. Students also take opportunities to participate as volunteers in local community projects.
Program on Sexual Health and Women's Rights
Both girls and boys are educated on sexual health and the rights of women.